Category "Marketing" - page 4

Google+ for photographers

Google+ for photographers

The importance of social media for any kind of promotion cannot be denied or underestimated.

Unfortunately, there are still quite a lot of photographers who neglect the opportunities of such network as Google+. They think that most of their clients are on Facebook and, well, they might be actually right. So why waste your time on promotion via Google+?

Benefits of Social Media

Benefits of Social Media

Blog is one of the keys to successful content marketing within the framework of your own website. This is why its promotion is vital for almost any business, including photography.

How to reach out to the audience? Fifty years ago television was the only tool that had the most powerful impact on people’s mind. Nowadays many of us don’t even have a TV set. Instead we have social media.

How to get Links to your Blog

How to get Links to your Blog

Isn’t it great when some expert cites your blog? This one link can give you hundreds of leads! The process of getting links to your website is called link building and is actually a crucial part of increasing your blog’s rank, no matter what your occupation is. Developing your link building strategy should be the next step after you’ve managed to make your own site.

The question is how to get such a link quickly and free of charge?

Create A Wedding Photographer Blog

Create A Wedding Photographer Blog

For any photographer, especially a wedding one, blog is, first of all, a way to attract new clients. Keeping a blog at such popular web-resources as,, etc. allows you not only to post your own creations, but also to follow works of your colleagues & acclaimed photography masters through the Friends Page. There you can also join subject communities.

Why Photographers need a website

I’ve already signed up for Flickr! What do I need a website for?

Once you become a professional photographer you might feel obliged to promote your work at a more advanced level, rather than simply upload your photos to Facebook or Flickr. That’s when your own website could come in handy. A website is a “must have” tool since this is the bedrock of all your marketing efforts. A photographer’s site may in the near future become the only appropriate way to present your portfolio to your potential customers.