11 Ways To Improve Photos From Your Vacation

11 Ways To Improve Photos From Your Vacation

What’s the difference between thousands of ordinary, boring pictures from your vacation and photographs that will capture somebody’s attention in an instant? Among other things, it is the composition of your shot. A few simple methods of positioning subjects in an image and their proportions will help you create nice, polished, eye-catching and breathtaking photos. It doesn’t matter what it is that you are shooting - an overview of a sea, a portrait of a child, urban street photography or a cute little bird. It also does not matter what equipment you use - a professional camera or a smart phone.

Protection Against Automated Watermark Removal

Protection Against Automated Watermark Removal

AI makes possible stunning visual effects. For example, using Messenger app you can add yourself cat’s ears or mustache. Unfortunately, AI-algorithms also makes it easier to remove someone’s watermark from their photos. Google offered an algorithm doing exactly that. Figuring out what’s your watermark and wiping it out of your photos.

Enhanced Watermark Editor In Visual Watermark 4.70

Enhanced Watermark Editor In Visual Watermark 4.70

I’m happy to annouce Visual Watermark 4.70. This version makes it easier to design your own watermark than ever before.

Previous versions of Visual Watermark maker allowed you to change watermark size and position using “Move” and “Resize” buttons. By clicking and dragging these buttons, you could make the watermark smaller or move it into a different position.

We wanted to make it easier to design watermarks made of several items and provide the capability to specify the same watermark size for all watermark items. Unfortunately, “Resize” button didn’t give us that capability.

We added new “Size” slider to the watermark item settings panel on the right of watermark editior. By dragging it you can change watermark size.

Manual Watermark Positions In Visual Watermark Version 49

Manual Watermark Positions In Visual Watermark Version 49

Visual Watermark allows you to watermark portrait, landscape and cropped photos in a single batch - it automatically scales the watermark to match photo dimensions. You can now adjust a watermark’s size and position. Want to display the watermark on the left for the first image but on the right for the second image? No problem, you can move the watermark on the Output Settings screen.