Adobe Lightroom For iPad Review

Adobe Lightroom For iPad Review

If you ask professional photographers which photo editing product they use, many will tell you that the tool they love and use daily is Adobe Lightroom. You would probably ask why? Because Lightroom is built and optimized for photographers. It offers a powerful and feature complete set of image post processing, managing and organizing tools, with simple and non-destructive workflow.

Get your business found online

Get your business found online

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Google it,”? Today, 83% of consumers in today’s society turn to internet search engines to seek answers, whether they are looking for a job, service, reviews or information. The Internet evolves and Google search-driven market intensively increases year-over-year. Your business website, nowadays, is the best and most acceptable source of information about your brand and services.

Blogging for success

Blogging for success

Every one of the best opportunities I have had over the last three years, including my book, have come as a result of conversations that were initiated on, or because of, my blog. Without exception. I have booked lectures, workshops, and writing assignments solely from this blog.

David duChemin A world & humanitarian assignment photographer, best-selling author and accidental founder of Craft & Vision (

How To Keep Your Files Safe

How To Keep Your Files Safe

As photographers, we have to store a large amount of data for a long period of time. Our data is everything to us, but it is also our Achilles’ heel. PCs die. Hard drives and memory cards can fail. Our gear can be lost or stolen. To safeguard our workflow and sleep easily, it is critically important to establish a reliable backup system and back up regularly. It is our responsibility to provide a reliable storage of the photographs we take.

The more frequently you back up your catalog and photos, the less data you stand to lose when a crash occurs. Avoid accumulating too much data in your camera’s storage device.

How To Register Your Copyright In USA

How To Register Your Copyright In USA

Copyright registration is optional. Once you’ve made a shoot, you own the photograph. The copyright is instantly yours for a minimum of 25 years. Someone can use your photographs as long as they credit you. If in fact someone were to abuse your photograph or artwork, you should prove somehow that it is yours. The legal copyright registration provides you an additional in-depth protection on all levels.