The Story Of One Picture Or How To Become a Famous Photographer

The history of photography as well as of any other kind of arts was witness to total failures and great masterpieces. As a rule, the majority of bad images immediately fade into oblivion just after their appearance. While outstanding works practically always make a profound impact not only on arts, but also on the whole mankind.

How To Become A Good Wedding Photographer

First of all, you should exactly define what goals you are pursuing, when you decide to become a wedding photographer, and who a good wedding photographer really is. The fact is that even if you reach great heights in this area, it won’t guarantee that you will begin earning much money, will become very famous, or have a lot of customers. Experience shows that sometimes wedding photographers, who can hardly be called good ones, earn much money. While some other brilliant photographers get nothing for their job and work just for practice. The following article is designed especially for those who are crazy in love with photography and plan to become good wedding photographers not only for money or for popularity.

How To Publish & Promote Your Photos

Recently we spoke about where you can and should post your photos and today we’re going to teach you how to do it correctly. One useful advice: take care of your reputation and never post failed photos. It may be difficult to remember your beautiful pictures, if they are surrounded by a dozen of unsuccessful ones. That is why you should honestly evaluate your work and hide the worst images from everybody.

What to do if Photos are Stolen

What to do if Photos are Stolen

If you often post content on websites and social networks and share pictures with followers, and your content has never been stolen, you probably live in a fairytale. The real life is much more cruel. If your content is more or less valuable, useful or actual, be sure it will likely appear on other users’ websites.

Where & When to Post Photos

The basic purpose of posting photos on the internet can be very different. One of us wants only to make something like а back up of family pictures, another aims to show personal photos to friends or relatives. And there is another group of people who actively share their photos through the internet. They are photographers who use internet resources as an instrument for finding new customers. So, let’s try to understand, where to post photos on the internet and which site is more suitable for such purposes.