These are standard methods to add a trademark symbol to any program on your computer. They are built-in into your operating system and available in every program you have: Word, Picasa, Visual Watermark and all others.
International law protects your copyright but the law also requires a clear evidence of your authority and can do nothing with people who don’t understand copyright. You will have to prove your authority in a court before you can make a claim. If you fail to proof your copyright ownership, you won’t be able to get pay for a stolen work and will have to pay court dues. Ensuring the best copyright protection for your work relies on 4 factors:
These are standard methods to add a copyright symbol to any program on your computer. They are built-in into your operating system and available to any program: Word, Picasa, Visual Watermark and all others.
If you are having problems with Visual Watermark for Mac – we may ask you to send us a “Console Log” so that we can see what the problem is. Here are the steps for doing that if you are using a Mac.